Welcome to AEPA Oregon!
The Association of Educational Purchasing Agencies (AEPA) started in 2000 and included 10 member states with purchasing professionals who had the mutual goal of securing combined volume purchasing contracts based on potential sales by qualifying customers in participating states. Representing Oregon, Intermountain Education Service Agency (IMESD) is proud to be one of the founding administrative agencies of AEPA.
Currently, AEPA consists of 30 member states with annual sales exceeding $1Billion. AEPA's state members serve on bid committees that craft contracts and bids competitively that are tailored to meet each state’s specific legal requirements. Awarded contracts are available statewide and facilitated by one cooperative member agency acting as the contract administrator. IMESD is AEPA Administrator for Oregon. We will help you with any questions regarding the AEPA Cooperative Procurement and provide any support documentation you need in order to purchase off the contract.
Thank you for using AEPA and supporting Oregon K12 kids.
Rob Naughton, Director of Business Development rob.naughton@imesd.k12.or.us 541.966.3110